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Gabriel Stromberg

11/01/2024 - 01/31/2025



Foundry Vineyards is thrilled to announce the opening of Seafoam, a solo exhibition featuring the innovative ceramics and collages of Gabriel Stromberg. The exhibition invites the public to experience a powerful blend of form and texture, reflecting Stromberg's distinct vision as both an artist and designer.


Traversing the boundaries between art and design, Gabriel Stromberg’s creative practice is constantly in flux. One day rolling out slabs of clay in the ceramic studio, the next assembling collages from vintage science and nature books, and then designing new brand identities—Stromberg continually moves between mediums to follow the thread of an idea wherever it leads. His work frequently explores concepts from history, cultural anthropology, and mysticism, all unified by a fascination with the power of symbols and form to evoke meaning.

For Stromberg, graphic expression is a universal language that shapes consciousness and perception. His work draws from deeply personal roots—his childhood along the Gulf Coast, family ancestry, and personal rituals—while incorporating typographic and line-based forms shaped by his training in visual design. By intertwining the personal and collective, graphic and handmade, his creations blur the line between art and design.

Seafoam, Stromberg's latest exhibition, was inspired by the gem and mineral collection at the American Museum of Natural History in New York. The colors, forms, and textures from this visit are reduced to abstract collections of shapes in his ceramic sculptures, recalling his childhood memories of combing beaches and forests. This tendency to gather and forage is a window into his larger creative practice, where unexpected elements are brought together into cohesive, evocative works.

Always undulating and shifting with the currents of his research and personal discoveries, Stromberg's work gravitates toward the open-ended and abstract. Much like a landscape with no beginning or end, his creations invite viewers to uncover beauty in the unresolved.

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