Exploring Fragility and Transience
Various Artists
04.02.16 - 06.19.16
Foundry Vineyards is pleased to announce its next art exhibition titled
“Exploring Fragility and Transience” featuring work by young Japanese Mokuhanga artists. The opening reception will be held Saturday, April 2nd, 2016 from 5 p.m. – 7p.m. and includes a 6 p.m. gallery talk. Additionally, several of the artists from Tokyo, Japan will be present at the opening reception. Mokuhanga is a traditional form of Japanese woodblock printmaking (moku, meaning wood and
hanga, meaning printmaking). Mokuhanga prints are derived from water-based pigments, creating a vibrant color palette, which is especially apparent in
this exhibit. The featured artists include: Michiko
Hamada, Kazuki Sakai, Chihiro Taki, Yūna Tanī,
Ayumi Ohira, Misaki Oguro, Shoji Miyamoto, YukiKashiawagi, Katsutoshi Yuasa, and Hiroki Satake.
Walla Walla Mokuhanga Center “Exploring Fragility and Transience” is the inaugural exhibit of the Walla Walla Mokuhanga Center, founded in 2015 by Keiko Hara and Akira R. Takemoto. The WWMC was formed as a way to promote, explore and bring Mokuhanga and Japanese culture to Walla Walla though printmaking workshops, demonstrations, and community events. This exhibit is made possible by the collaboration of the WWMC, the Innovation Laboratory in Tokyo (International Mokuhanga Association), a grant from the Japanese Ministry of Education, ArtWalla, and Foundry Vineyards.